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Miller is the most prominent teacher in the world of the “milonguero”
style of tango or what Argentines call “apilado”. This style is danced
in the crowded clubs of central Buenos Aires. It is strictly a social
style that emphasizes musicality and the connection between partners.
Susana has researched and studied the dancing of the older milongueros,
each of whom has created their unique style of tango. She has been able
to decipher their distinct vocablularies and choreographic
combinations, and is gifted in her ability to convey these to students.
encourages students to employ more rhythm in their dance, to discover
their own dance vocabularies, and to learn how to shape and shrink
these in space. For women, she encourages active following, in which
the woman interprets the messages that the leader's body and the spirit
are sending. Clarin, the major Buenos Aires daily paper, called her one
of the four most important influences on contemporary tango, along with
Miguel Angel Zotto, Gustavo Naveira and Gerardo Portalea.
is a native of Buenos Aires and has been dancing and teaching tango
since the late 1980s revival of social tango. She founded and operates
her own tango academy in Buenos Aires, and is the owner of one of
Buenos Aires'most popular tango club, El Beso. She has made annual
teaching tours to the United States and Europe since 1994. She will
facilitate students' improvement of posture, axis, grounding,
breathing, balance and sensitivity to the lead and follow roles. She
aims to encourage dancers to develop their own unique improvisational
styles through knowledge of the music, space and body. Her classes will
emphasize step quality and rhythm. Rather than predetermined patterns,
she will impart a choreographic vocabulary that allows dancers to
creatively shape their own language. |

Olivera & Gustavo Benzecry Sabá
Benzecry Sabá was born in Buenos Aires and raised in Palermo area. He
came to Tango at the end of the 1990’s. His experience as a teacher in
other fields allowed him to trespass the limits of showing
“movements” to place himself as a reference of Tango dance not only as
a physical activity but moreover as a philosophy.
teaches regular classes at Salón Canning and Workshops in several
milongas of Buenos Aires, as well as Workshops and lectures in the US
and Europe, where he takes part of international tango meetings and
a dancer, Gustavo stands out for his agility and most of all for his
endless creativity, which he bases in the ability of dominating the
techniques and exploring the possibilities he’s being offered through
the embrace and the release of the emotions.
Olivera was born in Buenos Aires and raised in San Telmo, within a
family of “tangueros”. When she was in her twenties she felt inspired
by her deep love for the music and the poetry of her childhood and
decided to start dancing it. She first studied with Gustavo, and soon
after she became his assistant in class and later on his partner. Her
method combines the passion and love for the dance with a deep
knowledge about anatomy and kinetics that she acquired from other
disciplines such us yoga, stretching and Pilates. Maria regularly
teaches at Salón Canning and leads Workshops in other milongas and
dance studios of the city. She also tours the world being part of
Seminars, Festivals and performances.
hallmark as a dancer is the Speedy and expressiveness of her feet,
which she combines with the elegance of her walking and posture. |

Ana Miguel and Oscar Casas
was born in Parque Patricios, a well-known tango barrio in Buenos
Aires. His parents were avid tango dancers, and, in the 1950's and
'60's, they organized three different milongas per week, which
regularly drew in 400-500 dancers. Oscar was very much influenced by
his father, both by osmosis and discussion. He absorbed the code
(codigo) of the milongueros, and when he eventually decided to take up
the dance seriously, he already had a background and base that was the
envy of many.
Oscar has a distinct style both in his dance and his
teaching. He is very milonguero, and is many respected by the old guard
in the milongas of BA. He is also extremely popular with his students,
who are impressed by his teaching style. He teaches with energy and
humor, emphasizing concepts, specializing in improvisation always
interpreting the music and respecting the character of the different
orchestras. He is especially interested in the dynamics and cadencia of
the dance. Everything he teaches is applicable to crowded milongas.
Miguel started her Argentine Tango training in the dance school of
Moron Jose Neglia. She started teaching with the famous Argentine tango
instructor and performer, Pocho Pizarro. From 2005 to 2008, Ana Miguel
performed in the Show “Bacanazo” which was held in the Empire Theatre
and the Roman Theatre in BA and she also performed as part of the show
at Esquina Carlos Cardel from 2006 to 2010 in BA. Moreover, Ana Miguel
has taught tango at various tango festivals and was also a tango
teacher at ACETA (Academia de Estilos de Tango Argentino – Academy of
Argentine Tango Styles) from 2006 to 2010. |
DJs |
Yesim “La Turca” is a dynamic DJ who plays the best of traditional
tango while seeking out unusual and beautiful alternative songs. Her
vast library gives her an almost unlimited tango vocabulary, and she
seeks, above all, to inspire dancers.
Since she began DJing, her
dedication and skill have been recognized not only by New York, but by
the portenos of Buenos Aires. Her Buenos Aires gigs include Confiteria
Ideal, Porteno Y Bailarin, Salon Canning, and the Plaza Dorrego outdoor
milonga in San Telmo.
She has become a fixture in the New York tango
scene, where she regularly plays at all major venues including her own
three milongas – two of which she hosts with co-host Sarah La Rocca of
the famous All Night Milonga. Furthermore, she has dj’d several events
in DC, Cleveland, Providence and she is the resident dj at Toronto’s
New Year’s Eve Milonga. |

Tine Herreman
Herreman plays devastating tangos, soaring valses and irresistible
milongas. And some very groovy alternative, when the crowd is so
inclined. She creates a warm and genial mood for the dancers to enjoy
each other's embrace. She has a vast collection, but every song she
plays is a greatest hit. As a dancer, Tine likes to lead and follow
uncomplicated tango with sophisticated musicality.
Tine deejays at
big and small milongas in New York and the Northeast, and festivals
beyond, including Portland Tango Fest, Valentango, Baltimore Tango
Element, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson, Ann Arbor, Atlanta, Yale, Tango
de los Muertos, Montreal Fling,and others. She hosts and often DJs
Tango Lounge on Friday in New York. Tine is pronounced like "Tina". |